Head of Financial division and Partner at RBS Vladimir Krasilnikov commented for “Vedomosti” a proposition of Ministry of Finance to lower duty-free threshold for the goods brought in by individuals.
If the new proposition of the office comes into force, from 1st Julie on existing rules on free imports will apply only to one trip abroad per month. When crossing the border for the second time the tourist will have to pay 30% of the value of the goods being brought in above the norm. The norm for the second passage will be 50 euro and 10 kg.
The expert from RBS agrees with the argument, that this initiative might decrease the number of “shuttle merchants”, but also draws attention to the fact, that it is necessary to thoroughly weigh all the possible benefits and shortcomings of such decisions. These limitations will affect ordinary individuals as well, because it increase the time needed to go through border control routine.
See the news in detail on the “Vedomosti” website.