Legal division of RBS aims to protect the interests of clients, creating an environment which minimizes the possible negative consequences and builds a foundation for business development. We offer comprehensive legal solutions based on a deep analysis of business objectives, knowledge of current legislation, law enforcement practices and international experience.

The knowledge and experience of the division's specialists allow us to solve problems of different profiles and levels of complexity, and the key areas of expertise include:
- application of strategic and tactical methods of conflict resolution,
- support and structuring of transactions, including international ones,
- interaction with governmental authorities,
- protection of company’s assets,
- compliance with currency control regulations,
- building corporate management models, preparing internal documentation and supporting the company's reorganization,
- regulation of private legal and public relations between companies, entrepreneurs and employees,
- optimization of tax liabilities, etc.
We provide a full range of legal services, working in the following practices:
Dispute Resolution practice resolves both complex and narrowly focused disputes, including those related to real estate, finance, intellectual property, business reputation and other matters.
International Commercial Arbitration practice includes support in foreign court proceedings and transactions where Russian counterparties are involved.
Bankruptcy practice provides support for the economic security of the Client, anti-crisis protection of the business, as well as rehabilitation and liquidation measures to mitigate risks in the current activities of the Client.
Public-Private Partnership practice provides services in the framework of cooperation in any forms between the State and businesses (including concession agreements).
Tax and Currency regulation practice unites a set of services which help to mitigate tax and currency risks and avoid adverse consequences.
Corporate Law and M&A offers audit of corporate governance efficiency, drafting of contracts and preparation of other corporate documents, as well as ongoing support of activities related to corporate legislation.
Commercial Law practice is aimed at increasing the efficiency of business in the field of contractual relations and includes a range of services to support the commercial activities of the Client's company.
Labour Law practice helps to solve any issues of labor legislation, problems related to the development of local regulations at the enterprise, collective agreements, employment contracts and other documents.
Antitrust Law practice offers legal support in all areas of antitrust regulation, in particular — support during audits, representation of companies' interests in courts and competition authorities, etc.